Ace of Wands
Are you ready to make things happen?
Are you prepared to take this exciting opportunity that this magical hand is extending your way?
Aces are new beginnings. Wands are the element of fire. Fire is hot, energetic, fast moving and oh so enticing to be near.
The Ace of Wands says ‘go for it’.
Wands are full of energy and potential, they are inspired, empowered, excited and also contain a sexual potency. The Ace of Wands is the season of summer, so, possibly a project that had started as more of an idea this summer has now moved to the action and happening stage. When the Ace of Wands comes up, you want to make sure there is a plan and strategy in place.
As I make my way through the festivities of fall, I am hearing time and again that this year is passing so quickly. That before we know it, it will be the new year. As I read into the various situations I am feeling that goals have been set for the year and the clock on accomplishing these set goals is closing in.
With this in mind, we have uncovered the perfect way to start this last quarter of the year. This is the time to plant the seeds for new growth, initiate creative projects and ideas, and to act on the romantic pursuits that you may have delayed or simply not made time for.
As we move through fall and Halloween, end of season baseball series, Thanksgiving, football mania and other fun occasions, why not entertain your guests with a tarot reading? Reach out and lets get a date on the calendar today.
Some questions to stoke the mental fires:
Where are you looking to make changes or even start over again in your life? What action have you let marinade in the back of you mind that is calling for more attention? Who has captured your eye and attention that you would like to pursue romantically? Why don’t you go for it?
Until the next time . . . .