Tarot Cards in Depth

King of Pentacles – Livin’ the Dream

What do you want? Success doesn’t always happen overnight. Having clarity on this one question is your map to getting there. This month’s themes are abundance, personal growth, and confidence as we navigate February’s dynamic energy. The King of Pentacles is generous, ambitious, resourceful, dependable, and hard-working. He sets the tone as we find ourselves face-to-face with…

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Tarot Cards in Depth

Ten of Wands – Let It Go

The end of 2020 is in sight, so let’s take a moment to pause and acknowledge you. Yes, 👉 YOU 👈. I acknowledge you for all of your hard work, testing your limits, shouldering extra responsibilities, toughing it out, and staying strong. For all of the stress, worry, information overload, slow progress, inability to delegate, and…

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Wanna Know the Truth? Ace of Swords

Our most valuable lessons are often learned through pain, uncomfortable situations, and the challenges we face. This year has been one big classroom! What have you been learning? Let’s talk about the Ace of Swords. The Ace of Swords In the tarot, the Swords are the difficult cards and are often linked with challenges, conflict,…

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Tarot Cards in Depth

The Knight of Pentacles: Always Prepared

This year has been nothing like any of us have expected. Yes, there have been challenges. And, there have also been gifts that have been unexpected and eye-opening. We have felt stuck and unsure and also liberated and outspoken. Our world is increasingly complicated by all of the decisions, truths, and circumstances swirling around us…

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Tarot Cards in Depth

King of Cups – The Intuitive Diplomat

It’s No Wonder King of Cups, it’s no wonder that people admire you! You’re so cool under pressure, keep everybody working happily together, and have a knack for problem-solving. With your positive and gentle suit of Cups energy and the active, outward focus of a King, you lead with intuition, compassion, generosity, and heart. You come across…

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The Fool, Freedom and a New Adventure

If we have learned anything from our experience this year, it’s that life is impermanent, unpredictable, and full of surprises. Lately, do you find that your emotions are running on high, or you are questioning your purpose and place in the world? Maybe your relationships (or other areas of your life) that once felt valuable,…

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