Tarot Cards in Depth

The Chariot – In Control

Hello Warrior, and welcome to The Chariot, where victory and success are possible once you become one with the hard work, tenacity, determination, self-control, discipline, and determination it takes to get there. Yes, there is a chance this month will be a wild ride 🎢 filled with learning opportunities, joy, adversity, purpose, and direction. And, who…

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Tarot Cards in Depth

Embrace The Chaos – Five of Wands

Living life in the “new normal” where time passes both slowly and quickly, we greet the month of May with the Five of Wands.   FIVES in tarot tend to be difficult cards. They often represent challenges, change, struggle, and loss. As you feel your way through these uncertain times, you may be thinking “this…

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Ten of Cups – Ever Upward

Hello, dear friend,   I hope this email finds you safe, well, warm, and sane. Since we’ve last connected, everything has changed. Everything.   We’re living in uncertain times. Yes, and… it’s important to remember that perspective is everything. We may not be able to control what happens, but we can control our thoughts and how…

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Tarot Cards in Depth

The Empress – Choose Joy

Is it just me, or are many of the conversations you’ve been having lately leaning towards the topic of joy? As in: Finding joy in your day, choosing the option that brings you the most joy, tossing clothes and other items that are clogging up your life because they don’t bring you joy, and asking yourself: “What brings me…

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Two of Swords – The Power of (In)Decision

When you’re struggling with a difficult decision, sitting on a metaphorical fence, realizing it’s time to weigh out the pros and cons, or are simply feeling that you’re at an impasse, you are in the Two of Swords. It is time to come face to face with your fears. 😱 Two in the tarot is…

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Judgement – Change is Coming

A new decade is here, and it’s starting on a very energetic and productive note. As we wave goodbye to 2019, let’s prepare to take it to the next level. As we roll into 2020, we’re knocking down doors, and we won’t be entering quietly. Change is Coming, and the Judgement card is leading us…

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Tarot Cards in Depth

Knight of Cups – Emotion in Action

December ❄️ is here, and it’s time for ACTION 💨. The Knight of Cups The Knight of Cups energy will be escorting us through the holiday season, and this news couldn’t be sweeter. Cups are the suit of emotion and are associated with love, feelings, relationships, and connection.  Knights represent things that are arriving/moving at great…

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