Tarot Cards in Depth

Playing With Fire – Page of Wands

Hello August! July was a busy month.  So much is happening in our personal lives, and, the world.  Do you ever feel like saying “stop the ride, I want to get off”? Astrologically speaking a lot has been happening as well.  We have been in an eclipse season.  What is this?  Eclipses happen in groups,…

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Tarot Cards in Depth

The Power of Change

Hello May and welcome new subscribers! Until recently, maintaining a regular meditation practice has been more loose thread than anchor stitch in the fabric of my life.  It was present but not consistently woven in.   Working closely with clients looking for insight, clarity and peace in their lives fired up some questions of my own. …

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Tarot Cards in Depth

Page of Swords – Sharp As a Knife

Hello March and welcome to my newest readers! February was a full month crowded with world/domestic news, highs and lows, insights, and upsets.  When new information comes forward showing gaping holes in the current system, the very human and instinctual response is to want to do something, make changes.  Though I am not usually one…

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Tarot Cards in Depth

Three of Cups – Connected Abundance

Hello December! This past month, I had a milestone high school reunion.   Our zany, extroverted, funny and fearless high school class president has been shaking the tree and rallying the troops for months, urging everyone to come and celebrate.  We all noted, she hasn’t changed much! But, social media *has* changed things greatly since my high school…

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