As discussed last week, interpreting the Five of Swords can be complex. Its message is to free your mind from the ties that bind you to self-doubt, and lack of belief in yourself remains the same.
The suit of swords represents thought, reason, judgment, and communication. And in the tarot, fives indicate challenge, disturbance, adaptation, and change. Combined—in the Five of Swords—you learn that expressing what’s on your mind can often cause conflict.
This card usually signals the need to tread carefully, as you can easily shoot yourself in the foot by putting your foot in your mouth 😆. Meaning, be careful about what you say, to who you say it, and how the message gets delivered.
Aha Moments!
It’s here you learn that explosive outbursts will often work against you because they may result in closing off the possibility of discussions that could lead to compromise. The appearance of the Five of Swords cautions you to back off and think carefully about how you want to proceed because your current methods aren’t getting you anywhere.
If the jagged-edged clouds and windy atmosphere depicted in the card resonate with you at the moment, know that the winds of change are blowing. The potential for aha moments and new revelations is now possible.
The mountains in the background appear as challenges or tests. Being that they are far away, none of the figures pay attention. This lack of awareness prevents them from having the foresight necessary to see the bigger picture.
What lesson might this conflict teach you about yourself and your priorities?
Changing Your Mindset
Sometimes, you have to choose between being on the winning side or the morally right one. Possessing dignity in defeat and grace in victory teaches how conflicts are lost and won—and when to walk away from a hopeless situation.
The idea behind the five cards of any suit in the tarot is that they represent lessons that, if you learn them, allow you to recognize the truths you may have been avoiding. These lessons always represent challenges, albeit temporary ones.
The whole idea of the five is that you’re so uncomfortable that you must change.
If you’re open to it and change your mindset, you’ll ultimately make greater realizations about yourself that lead to the elimination of conflict, both inner and outer.
As you go through this week, ask yourself:
- Wait a minute, did I cause this problem?
- What part did I play in causing it?
- What can I learn from it?
Let the Five of Swords guide you to view your conflicts differently!
Before you go, check below for a 101 on the Five of Swords. You can also schedule a tarot reading or book me for your upcoming event (details below). 👇
I’ll see you next week when we talk about how to ensure that any conflict in your life leads to positive rather than negative change.
Ever upward,