When it comes to cards like the Ten of Swords, it’s helpful to be reminded that tarot is symbolic and not literal. And, it’s true, there’s definitely a message of finality here. But, as unpleasant as the Ten of Swords appears to be, there is some good news. And that would be . . . um, there is no Eleven of Swords? Just kidding! 😊 The good news is that this ending is actually a blessing in disguise. So, let’s explore this!
In tarot, the Swords are the element of air and represent our intellect, communication, and thoughts. The Swords are associated with action, change, force, power, ambition, courage, and conflict. Tens are completion, closure, responsibilities, and results. The Ten of Swords is the end of a process. Something ends, but it’s NOT you. The Ten of Swords is where you’ve reached the end and simply can’t go any further. The party is over.
In the ten, the need for change is very clear. There is nothing here for you, so it’s time to pack it in and move on. Tell me something good, you say?
All of the tarot cards (even the ones that don’t look like it) have a silver lining. The positive in this card can be seen in the golden sky on the horizon (more on the symbolism in the video below). Space is being made for something new. You are witnessing a moment of optimism in the face of disappointment.
- What do I need to let go of?
- What difficulty am I moving on from?
- My new perspective is?
- The insight I have gained from the ending of a difficult experience is?
- How has this experience made me braver?
- What’s the blessing?
It’s not happening to me, it’s happening for me
If I had to condense the past year-plus into a few words, it would the saying “it’s not happening to me, it’s happening for me”. Like everyone, my world went a little sideways when everything in my “normal” life stopped being normal. Many new patterns, opportunities, perspectives, and thoughts replaced what was routine and habitual in my old life. It was as if I needed to find an off-ramp for the old me, so I could get a tune-up and then re-emerge into a new chapter. Now, were there moments where I questioned my path? Yes. We all have those moments. But the important thing is what you do with them. And, I choose to see the golden horizon. I see creativity, positivity, and clarity. What do you see?
The suit of swords is all about intellect and rational thought. So use your mind to look at the current situation as it really is. Healing and progress will come from accepting the truth. Look at the situation a little closer and maybe you’ll notice that things are not as bad as you’d originally thought. And, if it is . . . it’s out of your hands. Time for plan B.
Ever upward!

🌻 It’s SUMMERTIME! What’s more fun than tarot readings and a night out (or in) with friends? Jazz up your shower, family event, and small gathering with cards and charms. I’ll bring the magic. Book your party, event, or schedule your private reading (either in person or virtual) today!
If you liked this post check out these others on the Swords.