
Full Moon in Capricorn Guide To Adulting

This Sunday, July 21st, at 6:17 a.m. Eastern, we’ll experience a Full Moon in Capricorn.🌝♑ This is the second Full Moon in Capricorn this year, offering us a rare second chance to set intentions and align with our true desires. Think of it as a nudge from the universe to put things in motion thoughtfully…

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Tarot Cards in Depth

Knight in Shining Action

Have you ever felt a sudden rush to get things done? Would you conquer the world if you just had a little more time? That’s the Knight of Swords making his presence known! This week, we’re diving into his dynamic energy and how it can work for you. So, grab a comfy seat, maybe your…

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Ready, Set, Grow – New Moon in Capricorn

As we enter this exciting 8-year journey with Ready, Set, Grow – New Moon in Capricorn, it’s time for a tarot shake-up! New year, new vibes, and I’m thrilled to announce a change in our blog format. The intention? To make things simpler, more accessible, and just as insightful. Starting this month, I’ll send shorter,…

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Tarot Cards in Depth

Two of Wands – Comfort Zone

Welcome to the 3rd blog, Comfort Zone, in July’s Two of Wands series (I’m so happy you’re here 😊). We all know life is full of opportunities, especially when you step outside your comfort zone. But it’s grabbing hold of them that can be difficult. This card’s challenge is understanding how to balance your thoughts with your intuition. The Two…

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