Crack The Code: Leap Year Numerology

Why do we add that extra day to February every four years? It’s a little something called a leap year, packed with more significance than you might think! Today, on this rare February 29th, let’s unravel the mysteries of leap year and enter the fascinating land of numerology, primarily the enigmatic number 29. So, let’s…

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Tarot Cards in Depth

The World – A View From Above

As we take our first tentative steps into the holiday season, we must recognize that it’s more than just hanging lights – it’s about wrapping up the tales of 2023, both the collective saga and our narratives. And what better way to conclude this rollercoaster of a year than with the grand finale – The…

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Tarot Cards in Depth

The Fool (The Wise Fool)

What does it mean to be The Fool? Tarot cards can easily be misinterpreted. For example, when the card came up in a recent reading, my client’s reaction was of concern—she was being played for a fool. Ahhh, the wise fool. This reminds me of how differently we all see and experience the world around…

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