
Meet Your Wingman: The Butterfly

Have you been introduced to the wonderful world of charms? These mystical, magical, practical, and delightful tools are designed to ignite our intuition and connect us with deeper meaning. Today, meet your wingman! I’m talking about the beautiful butterfly—a symbol of transformation, freedom, joy, and the beauty of change. Butterflies remind us that we can…

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New Moon in Gemini – A Burst of Chatty Curiosity

The New Moon in Gemini arrives on June 6th. Stick with me for a minute while I explore its significance because this lunar event has something for everyone! Embrace the Gemini New Moon: A Fresh Start Filled with Chatty Curiosity People typically see the New Moon as a fresh start. Think of it as the…

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April Wisdom

Wow. Time flies when you’re cutting your teeth on self-discovery!  Let’s take a moment to take in all the powerful lessons we’ve learned from the cards this month and how they’ve blended into the crazy quilt that is our life. Welcome to April Wisdom. Embracing Growth Amid Chaos with The Tower The first card we…

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Astrology Basics

Cracking The Eclipse Season Code

Are you ready to uncover the hidden truths behind Eclipse season and unlock the doors to transformation? April is coming, ushering in a puzzle that holds the key to solid growth and evolution. Not sure what this means? No worries, I’ve got your back and will break it down in simple, easy-to-understand terms. Join me…

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Crack The Code: Leap Year Numerology

Why do we add that extra day to February every four years? It’s a little something called a leap year, packed with more significance than you might think! Today, on this rare February 29th, let’s unravel the mysteries of leap year and enter the fascinating land of numerology, primarily the enigmatic number 29. So, let’s…

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