Tarot Cards in Depth

Knight in Shining Action

Have you ever felt a sudden rush to get things done? Would you conquer the world if you just had a little more time? That’s the Knight of Swords making his presence known! This week, we’re diving into his dynamic energy and how it can work for you. So, grab a comfy seat, maybe your…

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Tarot Cards in Depth

Spark Growth – Three of Pentacles

This week, we’re shifting gears to spark growth, and the Three of Pentacles is here to guide us. Are you ready to flourish? 🌸 Meet your advisor in all things growth-related: the Three of Pentacles. A card of collaboration, skill-building, and laying the groundwork for success. Want to learn more? Here’s your roadmap: 🌱 Lesson…

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Ready, Set, Grow – New Moon in Capricorn

As we enter this exciting 8-year journey with Ready, Set, Grow – New Moon in Capricorn, it’s time for a tarot shake-up! New year, new vibes, and I’m thrilled to announce a change in our blog format. The intention? To make things simpler, more accessible, and just as insightful. Starting this month, I’ll send shorter,…

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Chinese Astrology

Year of the Water Rabbit

Psst. Did you know that the Chinese New Year started on January 22nd? That’s right, and 2023 is the year of the Water Rabbit. Chinese Astrology v. Western Astrology Now is an excellent time for a brief 411 on Chinese astrology. Let’s examine how it differs—and is the same as—Western astrology. Along with the twelve…

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Tarot Cards in Depth

The Chariot – In Control

Hello Warrior, and welcome to The Chariot, where victory and success are possible once you become one with the hard work, tenacity, determination, self-control, discipline, and determination it takes to get there. Yes, there is a chance this month will be a wild ride 🎢 filled with learning opportunities, joy, adversity, purpose, and direction. And, who…

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