Tarot Cards in Depth

The World – Curtain Call

Gather ’round for the curtain call of The World card journey. As we wrap up this Tarot series, let’s take a moment to cozy up with the wisdom we’ve unearthed so far. Unveiling The World Card: Exploring Life’s Challenges, Triumphs, and the Tapestry of Our Journey In our previous chats, we’ve peeled back the layers…

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Tarot Cards in Depth

Eight of Wands – Coming in Hot

May is coming in hot and riding high on Eight of Wands Energy. The Eight of Wands is a speed, action, and rapid change card. It can indicate travel by air, the arrival of important news, or a whirlwind romance. If the card could talk, it would say, “Seize the moment and take action to go…

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Tarot Cards in Depth

Ace of Wands – Fired Up

April is my jam 💃. It’s my birthday month, Spring, and that magical moment when you notice that things are changing. Have you noticed? It’s not just the budding flowers and clocks. Ace of Wands is our card this month and it’s time to get fired 🔥 up. Ready to Set the World on Fire?…

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Tarot Cards in Depth

The Empress – Choose Joy

Is it just me, or are many of the conversations you’ve been having lately leaning towards the topic of joy? As in: Finding joy in your day, choosing the option that brings you the most joy, tossing clothes and other items that are clogging up your life because they don’t bring you joy, and asking yourself: “What brings me…

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Tarot Cards in Depth

Three of Cups – Connected Abundance

Hello December! This past month, I had a milestone high school reunion.   Our zany, extroverted, funny and fearless high school class president has been shaking the tree and rallying the troops for months, urging everyone to come and celebrate.  We all noted, she hasn’t changed much! But, social media *has* changed things greatly since my high school…

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