Tarot Cards in Depth

The World – Curtain Call

Gather ’round for the curtain call of The World card journey. As we wrap up this Tarot series, let’s take a moment to cozy up with the wisdom we’ve unearthed so far. Unveiling The World Card: Exploring Life’s Challenges, Triumphs, and the Tapestry of Our Journey In our previous chats, we’ve peeled back the layers…

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Tarot Cards in Depth

Marco Polo and the Eight of Wands

As we previously discussed, the major themes of the Eight of Wands are expedient action, exciting news, progress, communication, and travel. While the big themes are essential, the little nuances in the cards are where we find the unique details and begin to carve out more profound and personalized meanings. The Eight of Wands sets…

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Tarot Cards in Depth

The Fool (The Wise Fool)

What does it mean to be The Fool? Tarot cards can easily be misinterpreted. For example, when the card came up in a recent reading, my client’s reaction was of concern—she was being played for a fool. Ahhh, the wise fool. This reminds me of how differently we all see and experience the world around…

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The Fool, Freedom and a New Adventure

If we have learned anything from our experience this year, it’s that life is impermanent, unpredictable, and full of surprises. Lately, do you find that your emotions are running on high, or you are questioning your purpose and place in the world? Maybe your relationships (or other areas of your life) that once felt valuable,…

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