Tarot Cards in Depth

Ten of Wands – Let It Go

The end of 2020 is in sight, so let’s take a moment to pause and acknowledge you. Yes, 👉 YOU 👈. I acknowledge you for all of your hard work, testing your limits, shouldering extra responsibilities, toughing it out, and staying strong. For all of the stress, worry, information overload, slow progress, inability to delegate, and…

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Tarot Cards in Depth

King of Cups – The Intuitive Diplomat

It’s No Wonder King of Cups, it’s no wonder that people admire you! You’re so cool under pressure, keep everybody working happily together, and have a knack for problem-solving. With your positive and gentle suit of Cups energy and the active, outward focus of a King, you lead with intuition, compassion, generosity, and heart. You come across…

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Tarot Cards in Depth

Six of Pentacles and the Magic of Saying Yes

Lately, I’ve been exploring the concept of saying yes. Meaning, when an opportunity arises to go somewhere new, try something different, learn something cool or simply stretch out of my comfort zone, whenever possible, I try to say yes. What have I learned? Saying yes is magical! People are generous, kind, creative, open, interesting, intelligent,…

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