Tarot and mixing tools

Reading All the Tools

Let’s drop in on a reading from this past month. Finishing as we started, I will pull in a few additional reading tools for this month’s reading because (to quote myself), “When you mix tools, new and unexpected insight rises to the top.” Here, I use tarot cards, charms, and crystals. Notice that some of…

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Tarot Cards in Depth

Hanged Man – Inaction in Action

We’ve made it to the last blog in the May series, The Hanged Man – Inaction in Action. Tell me… what are your thoughts about The Hanged Man now? He can bring up a variety of feelings, and if you’re an action-oriented person, it can be extremely challenging to embrace the idea of inaction, suspension,…

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Tarot Cards in Depth

The Paradox of The Hanged Man

In last week’s blog, The Hanged Man – Change Your Perspective, we talked about slowing down and taking a new perspective. Easier said than done, right? In this week’s post, The Paradox of The Hanged Man, we explore why he shows up now. The enigmatic Hanged Man understands his position is a sacrifice needed in order to…

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Tarot Cards in Depth

Power and Possibilities – Queen of Wands

Meet the Queen of Wands. She is passionate, creative, bold, confident, and magnetic. Oh, the power and possibilities! It’s surprising—and true—that the Queens and Kings of tarot have similar clout. That’s right! The Queens are equally dominant, powerful, and intense as the Kings—maybe even MORE so! What’s the difference, you wonder? It’s her temperament and…

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Tarot Cards in Depth

King of Cups – The Intuitive Diplomat

It’s No Wonder King of Cups, it’s no wonder that people admire you! You’re so cool under pressure, keep everybody working happily together, and have a knack for problem-solving. With your positive and gentle suit of Cups energy and the active, outward focus of a King, you lead with intuition, compassion, generosity, and heart. You come across…

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Tarot Cards in Depth

Your Future Past – The Hermit

Cue the noisemakers . . . it’s 2019! What an amazing, festive, fun and maybe a little bit exhausting holiday season it’s been!   Adulting during the holidays is a lot of work.    Being present and connecting in the smaller moments can really carry you through. Did you get a gift or note this year that surprised you or simply made your heart sing?   …

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