When you hear something once, it is easy to let it go in one ear and out the other. When you hear something repeated again in a short period of time, it makes you sit up and notice. What is going on here?
In the past month it seems there is a lot of upheaval, change, unexpected news and just overall drama going on. Do you feel it? I have heard it not once, but many times.
Right before the 4th of July, as things got quiet, I decided to take a nice calming yoga class. Arriving at the class, I see that it is not my beloved yoga teacher, but. . . . a SUB! We all have been there! Quickly deciding if we should stay, or to bolt while there is still time.
The class begins and it soon becomes clear that I have entered the world of rock n roll yoga. Lady Gaga, Kelly Clarkson and Pink are cranking at full blast. The moves are not traditional, they are unusual. I feel the universe laughing. I focus on keeping an open mind.
And here enters our tarot card, The King of Cups. He combines the abundant water energy of the Cups suit which makes him understanding, wise and sure of himself with the dynamic focus of a King whose energy is wise, understanding and visionary.
When this King shows up the message is to: Give someone good advice, listen to what is being said, see everyone’s point of view, remain calm, volunteer your time, help a child/friend in need, seek advice from a professional or a friend, be compassionate.
The King of Cups is looking to make a difference in the world.
This King can be guarded, hesitant to show his true feelings. He can sometimes be hard to read or appear secretive. When this card comes up in a reading it can be an indication that it is time to be more forthcoming and honest about how you feel.
The King of Cups has a strong dislike for conflict. He prefers a happy and cooperative environment and will work hard to keep things that way. He is a peacemaker both at home and out in the community (if necessary) he is a loyal friend and family man.
So, you ask, what does this all have to do with rock and roll yoga? As the class began, I saw hesitance and conflict in both myself and my classmates. We wanted what was familiar and safe. Don’t we all? We received an opportunity to stretch – to see things in a different way.
Seeing things from another’s perspective, such as, the yoga teacher can be enlightening and eye opening. She was taking a risk being a bit offbeat. She was also allowing us to experience her creativity and vision. She worked hard. She was accepting and open, leading us with kindness and encouragement.
When the class ended, I felt invigorated. I thanked the teacher for an experience unlike anything I have done before. Who knows maybe rock n roll yoga is the next BIG thing!
Some questions: Are you open to trying something new? Do you keep an open mind? How can you be more present? Where are you taking a leadership role? What is your goal?
Reach out and tell me about your latest break through experience or laugh with me at mine!
Enjoy the summer.
Until the next time. . .