Here we are, our last blog for June: Two of Cups – It All Starts With YOU. What feelings have come up for you this month? Are you cool with the concept that self-love requires you to look in the mirror and see the person you reflect on to others and know that it will attract the same level of love back to you?
You, First!
Partnering with yourself first will lead to greater, more equal collaborations with others—whether they’re relationships centered on love, friendship, business, or a creative project. Sometimes we learn this the hard way.
As a mother, teacher, life coach, and tarot reader, all my life’s roles have centered on serving and caring for others. When the pandemic began in 2020, I was working full-time and lost a crucial part of my support system, my beloved sitter who suffered health issues of her own.
My three kids—two teens and an extremely active young son—suddenly had nothing. No social life, no extracurricular activities, no school, no visits with extended family or friends. It was a weird and unsettling time.
Like so many other mothers in my position, I not only worked outside the home, I ran a household and cheered on my kids. I knew something had to change.
Overwhelmed but wanting to help, I decided to start a free online coaching support group. It wasn’t long before I had regular attendees who showed up and shared the fear and anxiety they were feeling during these unprecedented times. We talked about ways to help ourselves, new perspectives, and what we could change. And for a time each week, we’d come back, like Sisyphus and his rock at the bottom of the hill. Through this, I realized my burdens were an opportunity for me to reconnect with myself.
Be That Person
The revelation that followed—which led to my change in perspective—was the understanding that I simply couldn’t do it all. I couldn’t support others when my own bottom had fallen out. I realized next that I needed to find somebody who could help me. When I looked in the mirror it hit me: I needed to be that person.
So… I quit the full-time job that I had been at for 20 years (and lacked the confidence to leave before) and became more present at home for my family. I also committed to a morning routine of meditation, journaling, and exercise.
I’m not saying it was easy and that I don’t miss a regular salary, but valuing my relationship with myself has led me to a clearer picture of who I am and who I want to be. Instead of letting the world pull me in a million different directions—which drained and overwhelmed me—now I feel balanced and connected.
You don’t need major life changes to create greater balance, harmony, independence, and unconditional self-love. Even a small loving action in solidarity with yourself can do the trick.
Relationships are the currency of life, and it all starts with YOU!
Ever upward!
Check on the entire Two of Cups series:
And, you can learn about the symbolism in the card here.