If you read last week’s blog, Seeking Justice in 2023, you know that Justice is all about honesty and restoring balance. Yes, advice from your new bestie, Lady Justice! With her sword of truth and the equilibrium of the scales, she sees the situation in front of her. She wears no blindfold, and she pulls no punches. And, yes, Justice is a she. Check her out—she’s fierce! Her name is Athena (as in the Goddess Athena) and restoring order is her game.
Lady Justice reminds you to be clear with yourself and others. It takes courage to be honest, especially if you’re stuck on a particular outcome. So maybe add the word “NO” to your vocabulary.
Knowing the meaning of the card is so helpful. By adding up the symbolism of the images that catch your eye, the “how and why” this card relates to you suddenly becomes crystal clear. Try it with me! I call it my Tarot Coach Approach, and anyone can do it. Use my responses below as an example, or choose your own. Either way, you can go right.
Tarot Coach Approach for Justice
First, ask a question: How can I achieve more balance in my life? Then dive in!
Step 1 – What Catches Your Eye?
Let your eyes sweep over the Justice card and jot down the image that draws you in. Let’s say it’s the sword.
What color catches your attention? Maybe it’s the bright red of her robe.
What is the overall vibe that you get from this card? Perhaps it’s intensity or directness; she’s not fooling around.
Step 2 – What Does It Mean?
Sword: Represents double-edged action. The blade cuts through and questions foggy notions. It cuts through the fluff and identifies areas that need closer examination.
Red: A color of courage, anger, passion, action, and self-confidence. It governs the root chakra, which deals with your basic survival needs.
Directness: Yes. She makes eye contact and is all about the truth. She is made of integrity and fairness – and taking personal responsibility.
Step 3 – Answer the Question.
Now, with this in mind, we are ready to answer the question!
Answer: Get clear on your goals and what you feel passionate about. Take action with integrity and stay true to who you are.
Now It’s Your Turn
Hit reply and tell me your question, picks, and advice you gave yourself. I can’t wait to see your Tarot Coach Approach in action as we enter the new year.
Until the next time, ever upward.