Ten of Wands – Let It Go

The end of 2020 is in sight, so let’s take a moment to pause and acknowledge you. Yes, 👉 YOU 👈. I acknowledge you for all of your hard work, testing your limits, shouldering extra responsibilities, toughing it out, and staying strong. For all of the stress, worry, information overload, slow progress, inability to delegate, and…

Ten of Cups – Ever Upward

Hello, dear friend,   I hope this email finds you safe, well, warm, and sane. Since we’ve last connected, everything has changed. Everything.   We’re living in uncertain times. Yes, and… it’s important to remember that perspective is everything. We may not be able to control what happens, but we can control our thoughts and how…

Your Call To Action

As I write this blog, I’m coming down off a huge high of travelling, celebrating and learning. Two exciting adventures landed back to back on my calendar and I wasn’t saying no to either one! For the past 10 days my normal routines have been turned on their heads. Eating, sleeping, exercising, time management and even…

Seize The Day – Knight of Swords

And just like that, it’s the holidays. For many of us, myself included, this hasn’t been an easy year.  Challenges,  unexpected developments and a-ha moments have shown up in different ways.   How we handle these moments can influence what happens next.  It can also play a big part in your day to day experience. My…

Dina Berrin truly changed my perspective. If you have been skeptical about doing a Tarot Reading, join the club. What I discovered is you get what you give to this experience. Through crafted questions, Dina lead me through an in depth conversation about a pivotal point in my life that I had been choosing between. It was part inquiry and part therapy! She’s easy to talk to and the more honest you are with yourself and the process, the more you will derive from your session. This wasn’t about predicting my future or reading tea leaves about the boogie man around the corner. I felt like she helped me look deeper into the my own insights. In the end, I felt like she knew my situation better than I did.”

Spike Spengelclient

Three of Cups – Connected Abundance

Hello December! This past month, I had a milestone high school reunion.   Our zany, extroverted, funny and fearless high school class president has been shaking the tree and rallying the troops for months, urging everyone to come and celebrate.  We all noted, she hasn’t changed much! But, social media *has* changed things greatly since my high school…