Tarot Cards in Depth

Running on All Cylinders – Eight of Wands

Welcome to week 3 of this month’s series. Let’s recap! Eight of Wands is a dynamic card representing quick action, hastiness, freedom, thinking on your feet, and progress. It’s unique because it’s the only minor arcana card in the tarot deck that features no human or animal—only eight wands flying through the air at Mach…

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Tarot Cards in Depth

The Ace of Cups – A New Beginning

We just turned the corner into Fall 🍂 and the newness of the season is in the air. There are the normal things: leaves changing color, daylight ending earlier, and wearing your favorite jacket that takes the edge off that chill. Then there’s the intuitive new stuff—you know, your spidey sense—the awareness that things are…

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Tarot Cards in Depth

The Empress – Choose Joy

Is it just me, or are many of the conversations you’ve been having lately leaning towards the topic of joy? As in: Finding joy in your day, choosing the option that brings you the most joy, tossing clothes and other items that are clogging up your life because they don’t bring you joy, and asking yourself: “What brings me…

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Tarot Cards in Depth

Six of Pentacles and the Magic of Saying Yes

Lately, I’ve been exploring the concept of saying yes. Meaning, when an opportunity arises to go somewhere new, try something different, learn something cool or simply stretch out of my comfort zone, whenever possible, I try to say yes. What have I learned? Saying yes is magical! People are generous, kind, creative, open, interesting, intelligent,…

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Tarot Cards in Depth

Page of Pentacles – Solid Ground

It’s February! After the bright lights and beautiful greens of the holiday season are taken down and lovingly tucked back in their boxes, we enter the season of winter in real time.  January can feel cold, dark and lacking in cheer.  Wouldn’t it be perfect to find something bright, shiny and new to focus your…

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